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FREE Monthly Meditation Exploration (Livestream)

Mindfulness meditation is a practice of exploration. It is a tool that allows us to be with all of ourselves in a space of conscious awareness, curiosity, non-judgement and compassion, as we become the observer of what is happening within our internal environment in order to witness those parts of us that are momentary and those parts of us that make us who we are.

Using the medicine of the breath, together we will travel on a metamorphic journey, as we harness the power of our conscious awareness and tap into the subconscious mind, to assist in dissolving and witnessing the traps of the ego, we open up space to then greet our limitless potential and become one with the path of our Soul’s calling. By employing the breath, simultaneously as a tool and a teacher, we are able to move and clear stagnant energy throughout the body systems, heal past traumas, release unresolved emotions, and ultimately awaken to our liberation, sovereignty and personal empowerment.

This practice is also great to boost the immune system, reset the nervous system, and oxygenate the blood, opening space for you to feel lighter, brighter, and actualize a more peaceful and authentic version of yourself.

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May 13

Yin Yoga (Livestream Group Class)

May 19

Mysteries of the Monthly Moon (Virtual Gathering)